20-Minute Meditative Hacks That Reduce Anxiety

By Jeffery Martin

Regarding the benefits of meditation, we can focus in particular on the impact upon the bad feelings that may occur to us.

They include:

30% decrease in stress
40% reduction in depression and anxiety
11% increase in engagement
13% fewer sick days

(They follows the data from a study on the benefits listed into The Finders Course Experiments document)

Meditation is now reaching more people than ever, and apps you can download on smartphones like My Smiling Mind and Stop, Breathe, Think are awesome. These types of apps, and the latest crop of gadgets are helping to turn what was once a chore into a game. From the brainwave-sensing headband Muse to the heart rate stress-busting from HeartMath gamified, tech-enabled meditation is increasing in popularity.

1. Mantra

Silently repeat Love, Peace or another word or phrase for 20 minutes in the morning. Choosing a word that is likely to prime you psychologically in the right direction for the day. Pause each time you think the word, wait for its afterglow to fade, and then repeat it. When your mind drifts, just bring your attention back and say the word again. Drifts happen because of a core rhythm in the brain, and they are nothing to get frustrated about. After a while, the brain will settle in. Since you are “doing something”, this mini-meditation can be suitable for busy teens.

2. Focus on your breath

For some, using a mantra just doesn’t work. If you’re one of them, a real option is to follow your breath naturally. Focus on either how the breath feels flowing into and out of your nostrils, or the rise and fall of chest or belly while you breathe. It may help initially to note mentally ‘in’ and ‘out’, but you can drop this after a while. The key is to try not to change the breath, just watch it as your body breathes in and out.

3. Post workout brain stretch

One of the benefits of exercise is an increased neuroplasticity. In other words, your brain is primed for its workout after you finish your physical one. Scheduling some time for meditation immediately after you exercise allows you to take maximum advantage of effects it can provide.

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